Not enough Candles
In all of my twenty four and a half years, I have never been faced with this situation. I’d actually thought I had passed through that phase in my life where I had to deal with the B.S. You know; the kind of BS that comes out of nowhere and lands directly in your unsuspecting lap. Even if you get a slight warning sign, you brush it off as one of those weird random things that happens and nothing ever comes of is it. Nevertheless, the drama has indeed found me, the funk has hit the fan and I am obviously caught in the middle of a situation that really has nothing to do with me.
Most of the people that know me know I rarely answer the phone. Few people actually hear my voice on a regular basis when they call. Get off my back! This ain’t about me this time. With that being said, I very rarely answer numbers that are not programmed in my phone…. and of course, the private numbers pretty much don’t get answered. Last night, I went against my better judgment and answered one of those calls. THE ONLY REASON I did answer was because one of my phone-less friends has a tendency to call me from various private numbers... so thinking it was my homie, I answered the phone. To my disappointment, I received this jewel of a conversation.
Caller: There is something that you don’t know about
A confused LeslieLou: What?
Caller: There is something that you don’t know about
A still confused LeslieLou: Um ok
Caller: Whomp whomp whomp, There’s some shit going down. (Whatever she said, I think it rhymed, like she wrote it down before she called)
LeslieLou [still a bit flustered]: Oh ok, Thank you.
Who the hell, why the hell, what the hell. I completely brushed this off as some meaningless prank from someone bored who dialed a random number. I bet you’re thinking that was the end… Wrong. Two hours later, while I’m peacefully sleeping, the private number flashed across my screen (twice). This led me to turn my phone on silent. I still had no clue why someone would be calling me and thought well maybe she just got the wrong number (cuz I ain’t into nothing that would warrant someone calling me). Anyhoo, I woke up and notice that I had another late caller as well. It was my friend, Titan.
[SIDEBAR: Titan is a guy that I met a few weeks ago. And when I say we met, we met. I haven’t seen him since that fateful evening. Now, I mean we talk on the phone but since then our schedules have conflicted and he lives on the other side of town.]
"Why did he call me so late?” I wondered. I think nothing else of it and took my now tired and slightly peeved tail to work.As I’m sitting in the office at my desk, Titan calls me (at ten o’clock, like I don’t work a day job). Reluctantly, I answer it he’s like did you get my message. So I think he told me to listen to it, then call him when I can. So I go into the bathroom, because I am the receptionist and it looks bad for me to be on the cell phone at the front desk. So I listen to his cryptic message and call him back. He’s like, did somebody call you from and 817 number? I hang my head in shame, and say “No.” Did somebody call you from a private number, and I was like yeah. He sighed and was like, man. He goes on to say, “Well that’s my friend and she’s a really good person but she’s just my friend. I mean she used to be my girlfriend but not anymore.”
But ladies, I did not get crunk, I couldn't. I was still so floored by the fact that the chick called me, I couldn’t even focus on what he was talking about. So he begins to say she must be checking his voicemail and that’s how she knows who I am. So he starts to talk about how could she be checking it. So basically he talks about that for five minutes then goes on to say that she gets like this about him talking to other girls and it’s not right for her to try and contact me, then asks me do I think he’s righ? I say yes, in a tone that suggests “Why are even asking me that stupid question, and secondly, why do I care.” I barely even know you and probably will learn nothing else about you. He also decides to add the point that she broke up with him anyways, so he really didn't see why she was tripping, however, she's a really good person. Who the hell, why the hell? Anyways, before we get off the phone he slides in the comment, well if she calls again just don’t pay her any attention and don’t talk to her.
Breathe, girl, Breathe.
Number one, I am grown and will do what I want. And as I remember, last year I blew out 24 candles on my birthday cake, not sixteen. I am too old to be arguing with some random girl over the phone about some random dude that can be replaced.
Secondly, let’s be a big girl. Why you calling me private. If that’s yo man, your wanna be man,whatever, call me and be a woman and say that my name is Boo boo the fool and say whatever it is you have to say.
Number three, Titan, HOLLA BACK!!!!!!!
So boys and girls, for the day, I’ve been reverted back to 1999. The days of being in high school and dealing with the B.S. The B.S. that should’ve ended then, maybe a few years down the line in college, but it should’ve ended way before today. But I still can’t stop shaking my head, not because of what even happened, but because I’M TOO OLD FOR THIS SH!T.I’m out.
Is it me or is Titan's game a little off. I mean why would he call me and bring up some chick calling me, what kind of man brings that kind of unneccesary drama into their life. I mean if I hadn't put two and two together, leave the equation as is, INCOMPLETE. Titan step ya game up, your embarassing yourself. I'm done now, I promise. I just heard the third period bell ring, gotta go :)
This is NOT the blog entry I was expecting. :-( Sigh.
OBVIOUSLY, Titan and that silly girl don't know that you're from the RIP. Don't they know back in RP, folks don't play like that? Do I need to come up to the Ville and issue a beatdown?!
Dear Seena,
Jenna's blog will be posted this afternoon, stay on task, MY GOODNESS.
I'm trying to tell ya. We don't play like that in the RP or Killa M-Town. They must don't know we some ride or die chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!
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