School Daze: Meet the Professor
“Sometimes you got to use what you got, to get what you want” – Playas Club
School is game. I mean let’s face it. What did you really learn in school? How to lie, get over, appear to be doing one thing but actually be doing the total opposite. The whole purpose of school is to learn and you spent most of your time there pretending to do so. Well at least I did. Now I am not saying this because I feel that going to school is useless or that I didn’t get anything out of it. Shame on you Kanye, Shame on you. It is the exact opposite. To me, the purpose of school is to learn what you are supposed to learn while at the same time learning the tricks of the trade. The trade is life and the tricks are the aforementioned things I was doing while I was supposed to be constantly learning. So basically in school I did whatever it was that I needed to do to get what I needed to get.
So today I was checking my email and saw an email from one of my old professors[Acutally there are two]. Now if you’d like to know when I graduated, oh that would be 2003. Well geez, that was three years ago, what would your professor want with you now? My point exactly, although I have a few ideas. I hesitated opening the email, actually I haven’t looked at it yet, however, I can only imagine. Ya see, me and one of my fellow riff-raffs/blogger learned that you really didn’t have to do all your work especially, ESPECIALLY, if the teacher liked you[lesson learned in high school.] Now for our female teachers it was bringing them Starbucks or helping them do some tedious task like a bulletin board. But how do you win over your Chemistry teacher??? Well that’s very simple, V-necks and cheerleading skirts. It was a dirty game, but we were good at it. The giggles, the cheesy smiles, the after school visits to their office just to say hi. I got out of a few papers, could leave class at times for no real reason and basically have all the fun I wanted to. Now we weren’t whoring ourselves out to these men, just reaching out to the dirty old man inside of them. I mean what man doesn’t want his student to seduce him or appear to do so………
So this leads me back to the professor. Unlucky for him, he taught the worst courses for my major. The ones that no one liked, not even the over achievers. Doomed from the beginning and coupled with a mild demeanor, paying attention was extremely hard to do for all of his students. I did my best, I at least read most of the material, but I would fall asleep in class, that was if I showed up at all. But I always went to see him later on that day. Ya know, just to say hi and see what we talked about and how his day was going. He always shook his head when I walked in, but he enjoyed our little visits. He always grinned before he started scolding me. [For those of you with your mind in the gutter, yes there were other people in the office and no the door was never closed] We’d talk and he’d try and lay guilt on me for going to the library during class time but I’d just tell him that I focus better sometimes that way, but he knew I loved him. Why else would I be checking in with him if I didn’t, yours wasn’t the only classed I missed today.
So last fall during homecoming, I ran into him out at a bar. I was clearly intoxicated, CLEARLY. Four shots of tequila on an empty stomach in about twenty minutes. So here he comes out of nowhere, CLEARLY, intoxicated. We had what I thought was a usual exchange. Afterwards, Jorgemateo was like, was he hitting on you? My drunk ass replies, “was he?” But that was months ago, I’d for gotten all about it, until today.
Now I’m not saying that this man emailed me to proposition me or anything, but what in the hell does he want? [I could be totally off base and he might be inviting to me some alumni affair] Why did I cross his mind? Did the things I did in college give him some sort of impression? Why did I cross his mind and in what way would I cross it for him to email me OUT OF THE BLUE? But say for some reason I did and he was to ask me out or to get together with him, should I be offended? Should I feel like a slut, like I put myself in this situation? I was just trying to graduate and Senior Seminar was a requirement and a bitch!!!!!!!!!
Was he cute? I mean, if he's're grown, he's grown...what does it matter that he's your former professor.
Well...what happened?!!
Yal so silly, I haven't even checked them yet. He was cute, in a nerdy kind of way. But get him some contacts and a polo shirt and he'd be alright. I need to go holla at him anyways so he can write me a recommendation. And the sage continues
I was right - once again!!!
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